Prism Launcher
The Prism launcher is a fork of the much loved MultiMC, it builds on it to bring a much more polished application. "An Open Source Minecraft launcher with the ability to manage multiple instances, accounts and mods. Focused on user freedom and free redistributability.
It is available on all platforms.
Server Setup
The LinuxGSM Way
LinuxGSM is a way of easily installing multiple game servers, not just Minecraft. When used for Minecraft it is best used with either vanilla or fabric or (insert current plugin based server such as papermc).
You should find it relatively easy to get the script and run it, once its installed do your configurations and you are good,
The Manual Way
If for whatever reason you wish to run the server without the above method or if you are using forge then the following should work.
If you are using a forge modpack then there will usually be a .sh file to start your server as forge is way more complicated than say fabric.
Tmux is needed for these functions to work.
function forge-start() {
cd /path/to/serverfiles
tmux new -d -s forge
tmux send-keys -t forge.0 "bash ./startserver.sh" ENTER
echo "Server Starting"
cd -
function forge-stop() {
cd /path/to/serverfiles
tmux send-keys -t forge.0 "/stop" ENTER
echo "Stopping Server"
sleep 15
tmux kill-session -t forge
echo "Server Stopped"
cd -
If you are running a vanilla server the following will work and you can adapt the above to run this script.
java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.1.21.3.jar nogui
If you want to use a specific version of Java that is not your default then use something like the following:
/usr/lib/jvm/java-21-openjdk- -Xmx2G -jar fabric.jar nogui
The argument "-Xmx" Sets the maximum ram and the argument "-Xms" Sets the initial ram.