Mass Effect Legendary Edition


ME3 On Linux



  1. Run the game once with proton 7.x to install the EA App.
  2. Change the proton version to the latest GE Proton.

If you are going to play un-modded you can now play. If you want mods then continue the steps.

  1. Copy Mass Effects prefix to where you want ME3 Tweaks installed.

    cp ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/1328670 ~/Games/MassEffectModding
  2. Add the ME3 Tweaks installer as a Non-Steam Game.

  3. Set the following steam argument (adjust to match your configs):

    STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH="/home/parilia/Games/MassEffectModding/1328670" %command%
  4. Run through the installer until a file window opens and then close out of it.

  5. Change the properties on steam from the installer to match that of the program.

Make sure to backup you game install via the ME3 Tweaks tool, it is needed if you wish to remove mods.

Install texture mods at the very end of modding, mods installed after texture mods may require you to restore your game to an un-modded state in order to remove them.