Wine Tricks
WineTricks is an application used to install Windows DLL's, fonts etc. to your wine prefix and allows tweaking of various Wine settings.
Basic Usage
WINEPREFIX=path/to/pfx winetricks
Or navigate to the to the pfx of your choice and run:
WINEPREFIX=$PWD winetricks
Advanced Usage with Steam
These are my two bash functions for easy use with Steam, if you have multiple games that are spelled very similar then be exact in your wording.
Get game ID and copy it to your clipboard (Requires Neovim):
function gameid() {
grep -i -n "$@" ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/*.acf | head -1 | sed -e 's/^.*_//;s/\.acf:.:/ /;s/name//;s/"//g;s/\t//g;s/ /-/' | awk -F"-" '{printf "%s\n",$1}' | grep -o '[0-9]*' | nvim -c %y -c q! ;
grep -i -n "$@" ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/*.acf | head -1 | sed -e 's/^.*_//;s/\.acf:.:/ /;s/name//;s/"//g;s/\t//g;s/ /-/' | awk -F"-" '{printf "\n%-40s %s\n", $2, $1}' | sort ;
Find and open Winetricks in a games pfx directory:
function pt () {
grep -i -n "$@" ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/*.acf | head -1 | sed -e 's/^.*_//;s/\.acf:.:/ /;s/name//;s/"//g;s/\t//g;s/ /-/' | awk -F"-" '{printf "\n%-40s %s\n", $2, $1}' | sort ;
cd ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata
cd `grep -i -n "$@" ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/*.acf | head -1 | sed -e 's/^.*_//;s/\.acf:.:/ /;s/name//;s/"//g;s/\t//g;s/ /-/' | awk -F"-" '{printf "%s\n",$1}' | grep -o '[0-9]*'`;
cd pfx/;
WINEPREFIX=$PWD winetricks;
These work by looking the Steam app manifests for your given title, It then isolates the app ID and uses it to change directory to the wine prefix of the given game.
pt "sky"
Will open Winetricks for skyrim, if you have two skyrim's installed such as legendary and special edition then be more specific, such as:
pt "skyrim special"