Steam Tinker Launch

"Steam Tinker Launch is a versatile Linux wrapper tool for use with the Steam client which allows for easy graphical configuration of game tools, such as GameScope, MangoHud, modding tools and a bunch more. It supports both games using Proton and native Linux games, and works on both X11 and Wayland."


The best and easiest way to install the most up to date branch of Steam Tinker Launch is with ProtonUp-Qt.

  1. When ProtonUp-Qt is installed, open it and select "about" then enable advanced mode.

  2. Next select "Add Version" and then select "steamtinkerlaunch-git".

  3. In steam, right click the game the game and select "Properties".

  4. Under "Compatibility" select "SteamTinkerLaunch".

  5. Running the game will now open SteamTinkerLaunch.